Why Purchase An Accent Window from Fixhome Reason 1
Full Depth Jamb
Accent windows, by design, have a more complex geometry than standard windows. This gives character and highlights to a home, both inside and out. However, the installer may have some difficulty finishing out the window for the interior side of the wall.
Therefore, an octagon window jamb extension required by most of our competitors will cause the installer to use more complex miters, miter fastening, or bending to finish out the project. This will cost time, money and frustration. That is why most of our models have a full jamb, already deep enough to fit the standard wall. Our typical competitors just don’t put that extra into their windows, leaving the installer to miter, or bend, or whatever they figure out, to finish out the install.

And as you can see, our wood is a ponderosa pine, graded No 1 Sash Cuttings by the WWPA. This makes our interiors suitable for either stain or paint as desired by the owner. Plus, our jamb stock is also treated with Woodlife 111 to improve moisture stability and extend life without compromising the natural wood beauty or stainability. That is just something that a vinyl window cannot give.

The OCTAGON WINDOW JAMB - Just one of the advantages of purchasing an accent window or transition window from Fixhome.com