Use E-Lon Weather Strip to Prevent Energy Loss from Doors

When your doors and windows are closed, that doesn’t always mean you are keeping all of the elements outside. Without the right weather stripping, hot and cool air can still easily penetrate your home and cause your utility bills to climb and your comfort to diminish. Not all weather stripping is created equal either, which means choosing an inferior type can reduce its effectiveness.
One type of seal that homeowners across the nation have learned to trust is the e-lon weather strip. The e-lon 650 and the e-lon 375 have both proven themselves as impressive upgrades for old hollow bulb, PVC leaf, and q-lon seals. How? Because they are able to provide maximum long-term performance with low compression force. This gives them excellent resistance against compression set so that the foam seals retain their original shape for many years to come.
These impressive seals are also designed to resist many of the common abrasive elements that can wear them down over time, including wood preservatives. That means they don’t just provide you with the water and air infiltration resistance you need, but will make sure that you can enjoy a long return on your investment by not needing to be replaced on a regular basis.