How Lumber Prices Affect the Lead Time for Garden Windows

The pandemic has changed a lot of things around the country. Social distancing means that there are fewer workers in lumber mills, which means less lumber to go around. This has caused severe supply disruptions and heightened demand that you should be aware of when you are looking to add garden windows to your home.
Lumber shortages are tacking on months to the amount of time it would usually take to get these windows made. Lead times have gone from about 3 weeks to up to 16 weeks for many window manufacturers, but not for Fixhome. Our production time is currently 6 to 7 weeks plus delivery time which is well below the national average.
Not only that, but this demand has also increased prices for many of the larger window companies however, our pricing has stayed relatively stable. Fixhome continues to provide you with the best product for the price.
Working with a skilled sales professional is a great way to stay on top of this situation. In most cases, they will be able to help you better understand the most up-to-date prices and wait times for having these impressive windows installed in your home.